Instructions on how to use the PDF and JPG cover image template files

After you have entered your book information, including the final page count and paper selection, you will be able to download instructions on how to properly size the full book cover wrap file, including the width of the book spine and bleed. Note, INdemand has a minimum page count of 64 pages. Titles won't print properly on spines for titles that have less than this number of pages.

Important: You must also follow the instructions regarding cover image found in the Print File Creation Guide.


The PDF option will display the needed dimensions in a helpful illustration of the full book wrap with all measurements noted in inches.

The JPG option will display the same information in a to-scale 300 DPI JPG image file that will be useful for less experienced cover designers that may have trouble setting up new to-scale files in Photoshop or InDesign.

How do I read it?

The top line represents the full dimensions needed to ensure the cover image will fit around the printed book pages. The interior guides represent bleed area needed for things like spine wrap and flap fold. Make sure your cover text, barcode, images, or any other element that you would not want cut off during printing and book construction isn't on or too close to the bleed area line. Any content past, on or close to that line may get cut off when printed and folded.


Setting up a new file

It is crucial that you start with a correctly formed file. Your file should have a high DPI, at least 300 DPI, and be in the CMYK color mode for print. You CANNOT increase the dimensions or DPI or change the color mode later without substantially altering the print quality or visual experience (your image will become pixelated/fuzzy if the DPI wasn't high enough to begin with or too dark if the color mode changes from RGB to CMYK).


Guides are digital rulers that you can place over your designs like trace paper to show you where the bleed, spine, and other parts of the book cover will appear.

How to create guide lines in InDesign or Photoshop:

Saving a file as PDF

Make sure you are saving to PDF for print (high resolution and in the CMYK color mode).