Which File Formats are Allowed?

INscribe Digital's distribution platform accepts a varierty of file formats. We understand that you may create content in different ways and we encourage you to upload the best format for your titles. Regardless of format, you must follow the file naming conventions approved by our team. Please refer to these guidelines on how to name your files prior to uploading content.

Metadata & Price Campaigns

You may upload your metadata or price campaigns using the Athena Import Sheet or ONIX.

eBook & Sample eBook Files

We accept the following eBook file formats: EPUB, EPIB, MOBI, iBooks, PDF. We support all versions of EPUB including 2.0 and 3.0, as well as reflowable and fixed format layouts.

Print On Demand Files

INdemand POD files are only accepted in PDF format.

Cover & Screenshot Files

You may upload your marketing cover image and any screenshots (select retailers only) in JPG or PNG format. Cover images must be .jpg format and 1400 pixels on the shortest side.