eBook File Protection in ONIX

Determining whether your eBook file should have digital rights management protection added -- and on what level -- is a big decision. Here at INscribe Digital we respect and understand that this is a critical business decision. In order to accomodate all of our publishers, we added DRM acceptance into our ONIX 2.1 support and we have always accounted for it in ONIX 3.0.

If you are unfamiliar declaring your DRM protection within your ONIX, visit EDItEUR's website for how to implement into your current ONIX feed.

Note: All titles are considered DRM protected unless otherwise specified.

ONIX 2.1

ONIX 2.1 does not have a required field for DRM protection. Official ONIX recommendations are to call out eBook usage constraints within the <EpubTypeNote> field. Our systems use the below notations to apply the correct usage constraints to retailers. You must use the below codes in your ONIX 2.1 to pass through this information to retailers.

Usage Constraint
<EpubTypeNote> Element
DRM Protected
DRM Free
<EpubTypeNote>DRM Free</EpubTypeNote>
Do not include any tag regarding DRM
Watermarking (DRM)
<EpubTypeNote>Digital Watermarking</EpubTypeNote>
Adobe DRM
<EpubTypeNote>Adobe DRM</EpubTypeNote>
Apple DRM
<EpubTypeNote>Apple DRM</EpubTypeNote>
<EpubTypeNote>OMA DRM</EpubTypeNote>

ONIX 3.0

ONIX 3.0 has a required tag for you to specifically call out DRM protection. See: ONIX 3.0 for more information on how to use the <EpubTechnicalProtection> tag in your ONIX.