The most common error for print PDF files is incorrect color mode. All print PDF files should be in CMYK color mode (it's RGB for eBooks!). You can follow these quick and easy instructions to correct this:
Step 1
Launch Adobe Acrobat on the computer by clicking the "Start," "All Programs" and then "Adobe Acrobat Professional."
Step 2
Click "File" and then "Open" on the Acrobat menu bar. Browse to and select the RGB-formatted PDF file you want to convert to CMYK color mode and then click the "Open" button in the file browser window.
Step 3
Click "Advanced" on the menu bar, then click "Print Production" and "Preflight."
Step 4
Click the arrow icon next to "PDF Fixups" to expand the list of conversion options for the document.
Step 5
Choose the "Convert to CMYK Only" option and then the "Analyze and Fix" button. Wait a few seconds for Acrobat to convert the color mode for photos and images in the PDF document.
Step 6
Click "File," then "Save" on the Acrobat menu bar to save the color mode changes. Click "File," then "Print" to open the Print dialogue box. Print the PDF document to the desired printer.