Order a Copy of Your Print Book

You can order a copy of your title to review by placing a Direct Purchase Order.

If you need to review a printed copy before the on sale date or for any publicity events:

Please know that your title must already be in our distribution system in order for you to order a printed copy. This means you should select an on-sale date that has an ample lead time that would allow you to order a print, receive the printed copy, review the copy, coordinate any needed revisions to the file, execute the revisions, finalize the revisions, and then finally redistribute the updated version of the file so that it will replace the existing version before the on sale date. 

Please review the INdemand Set up Timeline to confirm distribution timelines. It is your responsibility to confirm any additional internal or external timelines related to print file production.

When you are ready to place an order for your book:

  1. Place a ticket in the help desk to order copies of your titles direct from our printing partner at cost. 
  2. Provide the following information: Publisher, Shipping Address and ISBN, Title, and Quantity per title. 

You may order copies of multiple titles in the same order, but you are limited to one shipping address per request. Please note, our Handling Fees are $1/book or $3/carton.

Shipping times for POD orders with valid files are as follows:

Paperback: 3-4 weeks

Shipping times for orders with stock in the warehouse are as follows:

Paperback:  2-3 weeks

Note that standard ground shipping will be automatically selected and you will not receive a quote unless you specify a different shipping method.

Quotes must be approved within two business days of receipt.

Your amount due will be automatically deducted from your monthly statement.

Your authors may also purchase copies at a 50% for themselves direct from IPG's Customer Service line. Please follow the steps in Author Direct Purchase Orders.