Reason CodeReason Detail ExamplesWhat it means/How to correct
CIVFCover image not acceptable. Dimensions '1100 x 1598' do not meet minimum size requirements. Cover images must be '1400' pixels on the shortest side.
The cover image for this title does not meet our minimum size requirements. See

1 asset was not validated successfully because it had problems:
  ERROR ITMS-9000: Images larger than 4,000,000 pixels are not allowed in books.  The following images are too large: \OEBPS\image\shadow-cover.jpg    

[2018-06-28 16:48:40 CDT] <main>  INFO: Transporter is skipping bundle update check: Already checked recently.
iBooks Transporter Error - internal images are larger than the maximum size allowance (4 million pixels).

Reduce the image sizes and resend the file.
The following BISACs are not permitted by the retailer: FIC028070 FIC028000 FIC055000.
For more information, visit
BISACs provided in the metadata are not accepted by the retailer noted in the error report. This is most often seen for EPIC, BlueBottleBiz, Perlego, and ProQuest, who only want titles that fall under a particular category, like children's titles or textbooks.

If your title does meet that retailer's requirements, you should opt-out of that retailer in your metadata to avoid seeing this error in the future.

For more information, check out this help desk article.
One or more tokens have been missed in structure path: 'ebooks/{ProductPublisherGoogleCollectionCode}/{Isbn13}.epub'.
This error in particular is for Google Play. It means your account is not signed up for Google Play distribution. Google requires a separate and unique process for distribution.

To request to add Google Play to your distribution, place a ticket or email [email protected].
"Transfer for 'IndependentPublishersGroup_20180818125944_1110205.xml' to 'Perlego Ftp for All IPG Content'

[AggregateException]One or more errors occurred.
   at Distribution.Transfer.Ftp.Implementation.PerformWithRetry.PerformFunction[T](Func`1 action, TimeSpan retryInterval, Int32 retryCount, List`1& exceptions) in C:\BuildAgent\work\42fb5402b040656d\Distribution\Distribution.Transfer.Ftp\Implementation\PerformWithRetry.cs:line 46
   at Distribution.Transfer.Ftp.Implementation.PerformWithRetry.PerformAction(Action action, TimeSpan retryInterval, Int32 retryCount, List`1& exceptions) in C:\BuildAgent\work\42fb5402b040656d\Distribution\Distribution.Transfer.Ftp\Implementation\PerformWithRetry.cs:line 16
   at Distribution.Transfer.Ftp.FtpTransfer.TransferResource(Guid resourceUid, Guid transferServiceEndpointUid, String resultingPath) in C:\BuildAgent\work\42fb5402b040656d\Distribution\Distribution.Transfer.Ftp\FtpTransfer.cs:line 114
[SessionRemoteException]Cannot create remote file '/IndependentPublishersGroup_20180818125944_1110205.xml'.
   at WinSCP.OperationResultBase.Check()
   at Distribution.Transfer.Ftp.FtpTransfer.TransferResourceToRemoteLocation(TransferServiceFtpEndpointInformation destination, ResourceInformation localResource, String localFilePath, String remoteFilePath) in C:\BuildAgent\work\42fb5402b040656d\Distribution\Distribution.Transfer.Ftp\FtpTransfer.cs:line 253
   at Distribution.Transfer.Ftp.FtpTransfer.<>c__DisplayClass7_1.<TransferResource>b__3() in C:\BuildAgent\work\42fb5402b040656d\Distribution\Distribution.Transfer.Ftp\FtpTransfer.cs:line 115
   at Distribution.Transfer.Ftp.Implementation.PerformWithRetry.<>c__DisplayClass1_0.<PerformAction>b__0() in C:\BuildAgent\work\42fb5402b040656d\Distribution\Distribution.Transfer.Ftp\Implementation\PerformWithRetry.cs:line 16
   at Distribution.Transfer.Ftp.Implementation.PerformWithRetry.PerformFunction[T](Func`1 action, TimeSpan retryInterval, Int32 retryCount, List`1& exceptions) in C:\BuildAgent\work\42fb5402b040656d\Distri..."

Often times these are timeouts within the delivery system, missed connections with a retailer endpoint, or internal storage issues.

Forward these to your Client Representative to manage the redistribution to correct the errors.
DIMFAcceptability for Distribution Order '4ed632a7-a22f-4fa3-b955-99595c59a9a9' failed due to following error: Sequence contains more than one matching element
There is a duplicate, empty, or incorrect node in the submitted ONIX. Correct the bad portion of ONIX and reupload.
PPRE-Book price AUD-21.99 [without tax] violates Apple pricing rules in AU from 01/08/2019 to 08/08/2019. <-- Reason: NR Paperback ISBN:9780000000001 price AUD-21.71 released on 01/08/2019
Maximum customer price is AUD-12.99

iBooks Physical Pricing Rules Violations.

Correct the price according to the error. In this case, the eBook price exceeds the maximum allowed price for a new release trade title.

For more information, see our iBooks Pricing Rules article and How to Correct iBooks Pricing Rules.